Helpful Links

General Information

Piano encyclopedia:
PTG, (Piano Tuning Guild)
Age of your piano
Steps to building a Steinway

An international organization of piano tuners, technicians, rebuilders and allied tradesmen. Their web site is a wealth of information with lists of technicians in all 50 states and Canada, and many related links to the world of piano technology.

Teachers / Performers

Buying / Selling

Ask me for the “Tips and Tricks” for buying a New and Used Piano. When purchasing a used piano, it is always advisable for a member of the Piano Technician’s Guild to evaluate the potential purchase. Examination of the instrument will reveal both major and minor problems and the corresponding costs to repair. It is just like having a used car examined by a mechanic before purchasing.

Piano Price Point



Other Helpful Links

Piano Movers

Lance Shoffner: 719-649-6621

Online help/sources

Colorado Springs Piano Technicians Guild

Visit the Colorado Springs PTG Chapter for local info.
Piano – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia